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What is Toastmasters?

Our aim is for members to learn from each other and improve their speech and leadership skills.

The actual goals of current members vary - from improving presentation skills, to overcoming extreme nervousness.

Unlike exorbitant seminars, our club offers a place where we learn from one another in a stimulating, friendly atmoshere.

There are more than 16,600 official Toastmasters clubs in 143 countries. The members total more than 357,000.

In Japan, the first Toastmasters club was established in 1954. Currently, there are around 200 clubs with over 4000 members. *


Members improve their communication and leadership skills by using the same standardized textbook used in Toastmasters clubs around the world.

* As of Dec 2018.

Our History

The Tokyo Rainbow TMC was founded in Dec 2016 as the first Toastmasters Club for LGBTQ *1 people and their allies *2 in Asia. Embracing the three core values of "Safety" "Diversity" and "Skill-up", the members with a wide variety of backgrounds (age, gender, nationality) get together bi-monthly and practice speeches.

We have established our specific rules to provide our members with a safe and comfortable place for LGBTQ people and various members. Please refer to OUR RULES for details.

The acronym for L(Lesbian),G(Gay),B(Bisexual),T(Transgender: an umbrella term for people whose gender identity differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth),Q(Queer or Questioning. Queer: an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual or cisgender. Questioning: one’s gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons), which generically represents culture of  'diversity of sex' and 'sexual identity '.

*2 Ally
Heterosexual people who could understand, support and help LGBTQ people and sexual minorities.

Time & Place

2 times every month, 18:00 ~ 20:00 of the 1st and 3rd Saturday in Tokyo Shinjuku.

About 15 to 20 members participate in every meeting and are learning along the curriculum of Toastmasters such as "Prepared speeches" or  "Table topics (improvised speeches)".

There are no teachers at Toastmasters. Instead, the members naturally develop public speaking skills as we learn from each other and play various roles. You will gain a confident presence by learning impromtu communication. These skills will apply to important scenes such as business conferences, etc.

We also have a speech contest once a year. Beginning with a Club Contest, the top prize winners move up to Area, Division, District, and so on. It's a traditional event of Toastmasters, where the club members show their passion.

In addition to regular regular meetings, there are also fun activities such as Cooking meetings,  or Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade Tour. Participation is voluntary.

Please check the link below for more details.

 >>Regular meetings

 >>Our rules

 >>News & events


What is Tokyo Rainbow TMC?

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