We focus on public speaking, improvised speech and active listening to improve communication skils and techniques to speak in public more effectively. Also, leadership skills improve by hosting the meeting and taking part in the management of the club.
Members are given opportunities to improve their speaking, listening and leadership skills by various means such as manuals, the mentoring sysytem, officer's trainings and contests. Please don't worry about making mistakes. We are all growing by learning from our mistakes.
Toastmasters use the on-line studying materials called "Pathways". Members choose a course from 10 courses called a "Path" depending on your learning objectives and goals. Your mentor or VPE will gladly help you to decide which path to take, so you don't have to stress at all.
In our bi-weekly regular meetings, members voluntarily take a role as either speaker, evaluator, main moderator or topic master of improvised speeches. Every meeting each role is challenged by a different member. This is a unique system and we have no “teacher”.
Meeting Flow
A regular meeting proceeds as follows.
① Pre Session
Call to Order
Guest Introduction
Toastmaster of the Evening
Word of the Evening
Helpers Introduction
② Rainbow Session
Rainbow Moment of the Week
Five-minute LGBT Lecture
③ Prepared Speech Session
④ Table Topics Session
⑤ Evaluation Session
Report from Helpers
General Evaluation
Announcement of the Award
Guest Comment
After a meeting, there is an optional dinner party at a restaurant nearby. If you wish, please join in to develop closer relationships with other members.
Unique sessions
We have some unique sessions in the meeting as follows.
“Rainbow moment of this week” is a session to briefly share an improvised speech about a “Rainbow moment” which is a recent experience of diversity.
“5mins LGBTQ lecture” is a session in which we can learn about various kinds of LGBTQ topics.
What do we usually do in our regular meetings?